Benjamite Assistant Director
Todd Carroll
Hello Campers and Parents!
My name is Todd Carroll or as most at camp seemed to call me 'monkey man'. I drive a big truck traveling the country. I'm the assistant director for Benjamites. I help Tab Bregg teach the spiritual side of his prepping classes as well as teach prayer. I believe all battles begin with humility and humbleness in spirit to be able to overcome. I believe there is no such thing as you are too young. I believe all children can do great things through Christ and I want to be that encourager to build the confidence they need to win the spiritual battles they encounter but at the same time have fun and build relationships and learn to pray for one another even when it’s the hardest thing to do. I love it when children learn not to fear and to overcome when the world says they can’t. I can’t wait to see everyone at camp again this year!!!